Introduction to a coffee fanatic
I am a junior pre-medical student majoring in Psychology with minors in Microbiology and Medical Humanities. Upon graduating in May 2019, I hope to attend medical school and become a physician. One of the ceaseless reasons for my career pursuit stems from my advocacy to increase accessible healthcare. Ten years from now, I see myself traveling to developing countries such as my parents’ motherland, Bangladesh, to make healthcare, and healthy lifestyles in general, more opportune. I truly believe we all can live in a better world if we help others delve into happiness as we do so ourselves.
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Medical school: a goal of mine for as long as I can remember! Source: flickr |
Aside from my biggest hopes and dreams, just like most college students, I find myself stressed during midterms, semester projects, and piecing together the puzzle that is life! In the midst of an incredibly busy schedule, however, I am sure to make time for a little fun. During winter break, I vacationed in Florida with my family. We spent a couple of magical days at Disney World, then visited some breathtaking views at the beaches in Tampa, Miami, and Naples, and finally, a relaxing day in the quaint city of Fort Myers. I love traveling! My favorite place on Earth is Paris, France and you can read all about my surprise sweet-16 trip here.
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Seek to sea more. A personal photo from December 2017 in Bonita Springs, FL. |
The break was definitely needed after my heavy course load last semester. Surprisingly, my favorite class was the class in which I performed the worst: Biochemistry. Imagine overeating at Thanksgiving dinner and subsequently taking a nice, long nap. Now, imagine this but without the nap afterwards and voila: I present you the temporary misery I faced in biochemistry. Although I am terribly exaggerating (but not really), I easily recognize this as the most challenging, yet most useful course of my undergraduate career. The respectable professor never failed to grab my attention during lecture, nor did a day pass without his fully enthusiastic and tantalizing explanations of important biochemical concepts. In all honesty, I wish more of my classes were designed and inspired by the fascination in the material, as opposed to the usual grade-motivation.
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Stressed? Drink more coffee... that always works for me! Source: pinnaclecare |
Moving forward from last semester, I anticipate 2018 to be full of thrilling new ventures! If I could create an extra day during the week, this would be allotted to spending quality time with family and friends. Here's a fun fact about me: I am vegetarian! A meatless diet may seem limiting, but I definitely classify myself as a foodie and there is a plethora of dishes I indulge in. I especially enjoy experiencing food from diverse cultures. In terms of hobbies, I have loved singing and dancing since childhood. On my more introverted days, you will find me at the local bookstore either journaling or comfortable with a good read and coffee. Oh how I love coffee--espresso, americano, macchiato--you name it and I love it! With that, I will grab a cup right now!
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Coffee: a college student's best friend. Source: pxhere. |
I had to smile as soon as I read the title of your post, Naomee... because of course I have a mug of coffee in my hand at this very moment. And you will see that I share some coffee humor now and then in the announcements because I know we are not alone in our love of the magic beans. And it is so exciting to have someone with ties to Bangladesh in this class: wonderful! I really hope you can find a way to turn the project in this class into something that will connect up with your future goals. Here is an article that might be of interest: Ramayana popular performing art in Bangladesh: "In the green hinterland of Islamic Bangladesh, the Ramayana is the most popular performing art form." Anyway, when you start brainstorming for your class project next week, you might want to explore the epic traditions in Bangladesh!
ReplyDeleteHi Naomee, your vacation to Florida sounds incredible, I wish I was there to tag along. I love Florida and grew up going there every summer. You should check out my blog about my favorite place I am rooting for you to help those countries in need, we need more people like you! I also love coffee and have an espresso maker in my room, I wouldn't have made it through college without it! We also have some pretty cool coffee shops here in Norman, I really enjoy Gray Owl. They have Topeca coffee which is made here in Oklahoma. If you ever get a chance Topeca has a coffee shop in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Best of wishes to you!
ReplyDeleteHi Naomie! Carlo told me you were in this class and I found you on the class directory! HAHA
ReplyDeleteAnyways, I'm really excited to read about what your thoughts are in the class about the different stories. I have never studied Indian literature so this is all totally new to me! Also, I think it is really cool that you are studying psychology as your major! I took IB psychology at Classen and I have been thinking about taking a few classes at OU. Anyways, check my blog out if you'd like!
Hi Naomee, I think that's a prettey incredible goal. ONe of my friends always used to talk about going back home (Nigeria) and educating his community about indoor air pollution and the health issues it causes (he was an environmental engineer). He always had a huge smile on his face when he talked about it, and I hope you get to pursue your goal with that same level of happiness. Best of luck to you!
ReplyDeleteHi, Naomee. First of all, you have a beautiful name! I can totally relate to the coffee addiction... it is "the lifeblood that drives the dreams of champions," am I right? Its so amazing to me that you want to use your talents to help people who need them.. so glad this world has humanitarians like you. Keep on and I'm sure you'll reach your goals. (Also, love all the pink on your page!.) Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteHi Naomee, I'm glad Florida was great! Biochemistry is one of the most difficult classes to take at OU, so it's a feat just to get through it. It's awesome that you have a plan for what you want to do with your career years down the road. Dedicating your career to helping people is one of the most noble ways to utilize your medical career. I have also been to Paris, France, and it's definitely a magical city with a lot to do. I feel like I could be there for months, and I would still feel like I haven't seen all there is to see. Good luck with your classes this semester!
ReplyDeleteHey Naomee, power to you for making it through your Biochemistry class! I had a hard time with just plain chemistry in high school so I can only image the material gets more complicated the further along you go. I like science and I like math but I get so confused when they are combined. It is amazing that once you are a physician you are going to go and help out people who come from a lower economic status that cannot afford basic healthcare needs. Good luck with this semester and then medical school, it seems like you are on the right track to help make a difference in the world.
ReplyDeleteHey Naomee,
ReplyDeleteSounds like you have an awesome plan for your life ahead! Medical school will be tough but you sound like you have the passion to work through it. Doctors Without Borders sounds like an organization you might be interested in if you want to travel to underdeveloped areas around the world to do medicine. I hope you are successful in your pursuit!
Hi , Naomee I am interested about your minor I never heard of a medical humanities minor. I see you like to travel, I wish I was able to do that. going to France to visit my family is something I want to do so bad so you being able to travel there just makes me happy because I know you had a great time there.
ReplyDeleteThat is amazing that you are so passionate about what you study! Especially in your field, it seems necessary for it to inspire you or else the stress and pressure would be too much to continue. I must say I am so jealous of your traveling family! Mine doesn't care for traveling and definitely wouldn't surprise me with a trip to France. Hope you are enjoying the class!
ReplyDeleteHey Naomee!
ReplyDeleteWhat an awesome, much needed career path you've chosen! It's obvious from your introduction that you must be such a compassionate, hard-working person. I'm not great at science-y things at all, so I really admire your ability to make sense of it all. I am so jealous that you got to go to Florida! I used to go all the time as a kind, but haven't been in ages. I hope you got to visit Magic Kingdom while you were at Disney World! Disney is the most wonderful place on earth and Magic Kingdom is the best of the best (in my humble opinion, haha). I look forward to reading your stories and getting yo know you through your writing!
Hi Naomee. It is so cool that there are so many people in this class going into the medical field. I am pre-nursing, and too have big dreams of using that to help people around the world. The end goal for me is hopefully joining a program like Doctors Without Borders, in order to help people in developing countries. Also, as a big fan of bookstores, my favorite one locally is Commonplace Books in Oklahoma City, and I would really recommend it if you have not gone.
ReplyDeleteHey Naomee! I think it is cool that you are going into the medical field as I am trying to become a Dentist myself. The road to med/dental school is very hard and can be frustrating at times so I wish you the best with everything. I think it is funny you liked Biochem because that was one of my least favorite classes.
ReplyDeleteNaomee, thanks so much for sharing a little about yourself. Your reasons for wanting to go into the healthcare industry are amazing, I think that is wonderful that you want to bring healthcare to communities that may otherwise not have access to it. Best of luck to you and I wish you luck on getting into medical school, I am sure you can do it!
ReplyDeleteHey Naomee! I am also getting in the medical field! I am a physical therapy major. Thanks for sharing about you. Journey to med school is hard and i feel your pain on that. I wish the best for you!
ReplyDeleteHey, Naomee! It is so cool that you are pre-Med! I see that you want to be a physician in foreign countries, but do you know what you are planning on studying in medical school? Also, I hope you had so much fun on your vacation to Florida. I have only been once, but my fiancée and I are going there for our honeymoon this summer. It was very nice to meet you!
ReplyDeletePsychology is so interesting! I grew up watching Frasier religiously and even though 90% of what he believed was...questionable (solid Freudian) I learned a lot and credit much of my self-awareness to that show.
I love that you want to use your education to help others. That’s so important! The world is full of people looking out for themselves.
I’ve ALWAYS wanted to visit Paris! It’s a lifelong dream. I’m so happy you’ve gotten to go!
Nice to meet you!
Hey there, Naomee! Nice to meet you! And props for you for picking the major that relates to medical and sciences because I think medical and science are the hardest major for me to take. I can deal with math but science kills me so my major is business related. I never visited Paris but my uncle did so I don’t know when I kill visit Paris.
ReplyDeleteHi Naomee! Cool that you're doing pre-Med, both of my roommates are pre-med and I hear about it all the time, so I know how hard you must be working! Also so cool that you got to go and visit Paris, sounds like such a beautiful and cool city, I'd love to visit there someday as well!
ReplyDeleteHey there, Naomee!
ReplyDeleteIt is great to see that you are very passionate about your pursuit to help others. I understand the grind of science classes. I am a biology major graduating this spring. I am starting dental school in June as well. The grind never stops. This last year has been the easiest so far. I encourage you to enjoy your last semesters in Norman. I wish you the best as you go through the application process.
Hey Naomee!
ReplyDeleteI really like the design and layout of your blog and I feel like incorporating personal photos into your introduction was a nice touch! I think its so cool that you are wanting to go in to the medical field cause I’m also pursuing a career in medicine. I hope you are having a great semester so far and I can’t wait to explore the rest of your blog!
Hello, Naomee!
ReplyDeleteThe colors of your blog are so sweet and inviting. You also seem like a very sweet and dedicated person! My dad is an MD, and he tells me stories about when he was in college. A lot of his stories sound like yours! He loved biochemistry, so he got his minor in biochem and also majored in chemistry! I wish you luck with your last year and hope it goes well for you!
Hello Naomee! I hope your semester has gone well so far, I imagine classes have started to get a little bit more challenging as you get closer and closer to graduating. Where are you interested in going to medical school? I had a classmate in my capstone class that was applying to medical school that semester and the application process seems rather interesting. Good luck getting into your school of choice!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHey, Naomee, nice to meet you! Its the end of the semester but it is never too late to meet new people. I hope your semester has gone well. I loved the title of your introduction. I used to be a coffee fanatic but I've had to switch to mostly hot tea due to stomach ulcers - they really don't like coffee even if I do. I still drink coffee anyway occasionally. I feel like I would need the caffeine from a lot of coffee if I was studying all the things you are, microbio sounds rough. I hope you get into medical school. Have a good summer, its almost here!
ReplyDeleteHi sweet Naomee!! :) It is funny how I finally stumble across your page...and it is almost the end of the semester. Your passion for medicine and helping other people is evident in person and in this Introduction. I have NO DOUBT that you will make a wonderful physician one day. :) Haha, you and your love for coffee. :') I tried to get you to decrease your intake of coffee but that never worked! I do not think I have ever asked you this, but do you have a favorite coffee drink? I hope your semester is coming to a sweet end and here's to our senior year! Hope to see you soon, sweet girl!!
ReplyDeleteHello, nice to meet you Naomee!
ReplyDeleteI just finished up reading your introduction! I absolutely loved the ending statement of your first paragraph. I completely agree that sometimes you need to give some happiness to others. Seeing others, whether it be animals or people, be happy is one of my favorite things in this life. I am genuinely happy to see others caring so much for other people. It is refreshing to see nowadays.
Hello Naomee , I loved reading your introduction it was really interesting and I loved all the images that you included in the text. I see you are really happy and self-motived to go into the medical field so I wish you the best of luck once you finish up the first part of school ! with all your passion I think it will be a breeze and I wish the best of luck for you. The last picture really set a tone for me to finish up this semester strong. ! good luck to you with all your finals.
ReplyDeleteHey Naomee! I can definitely relate to being stressed out all the time. I also need a break every once in awhile and cherish the breaks we get. I try to go snowboarding whenever I get the chance and it turns out to be a very helpful stress reliever halfway through the semester. I love your passion for wanting to become a medical professional! That path is a lot of work but you seem very driven so I believe you can do it! Nice to meet you!