Reading Notes: Ramayana: Part C
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The controversial and in some perspectives, dishonorable, death of Vali. Source: Wikipedia. |
Sugriva: monkey-king living in exile from evil brother Vali, who captured Surgriva’s wife.
Hanuman: monkey-god
Rama and Lakshmana wanted to approach Sugriva in hopes that he could help them on their quest to save Sita. Sugriva was alarmed because he is living in exile so he doesn’t want random strangers looking for him. So Sugriva tells Hanuman to ask them what they want without revealing his identity. Hanuman was overjoyed when he realized Rama and Lakshmana came with good intentions. After asking them about their presence wandering in the jungle, Hanuman accepted their request to help protect themselves under Sugriva and responding the similarities between Rama and Sugriva: both are living in exile and both had wives taken from them. Hanuman led them to the Sugriva.
Sugriva’s Story
Hanuman wants Rama’s help to battle his brother, Vali. Sugriva tells Rama and Lakshana the story of why he was driven into exile:
Vali was attacked by a demon and left for battle. He instructed Sugriva to guard the mouth until his return. Sugriva guarded for an entire year but he when he heard screeching cries coming from the hole and blood pouring out, he assumed his brother had been killed by the demon so he returned to Kishkindha. But it turns out that Vali had not been killed and after defeating the demon, he returned to the mouth of the hold but realized Sugriva hadn’t listened to his orders to guard this. He was furious and when he returned to the city, he declared that Sugriva had purposefully trapped Vali in the mountain top to keep a prisoner so that he would be able to rule the kingdom, instead of Vali. In response, Vali took away Sugriva’s wife and left him with monkeys to head out of the city.
Hearing this story, Rama was taken away and requested Sugriva to challenge Vali to a battle, where he would help along with an army of monkeys.
Sugriva and Vali
Tara: King Vali’s wife
Tara advises Vali not to fight Sugriva, since he will be accompanied by the powerful Rama.
Vali’s Death
Known to be controversial, but Rama helps Sugriva battle Vali and ends up killing him.
With full fury and anguish, Vali attacked, followed by attacks in response. It was Vali and Sugriva fighting and fighting, while Rama was hiding away from Vali’s sight. He struck the fatal blow to Vali’s heart.
King Sugriva
Tara is melancholy over her dead husband and apparently, Sugriva’s heart melted too. But Sugriva rose to take the kingdom.
The Rainy Season
Rama waits because Sugriva will help him find Sita after the rainy season is over. Since Rama cannot enter a city, he waits and waits and waits in the wilderness.
The Armies
Angada: Sugriva’s son
Jambavan: King of bears
Sugriva, as promised, was going to help Rama find his beloved wife so he prepares four armies of monkeys and bears. He also sends Angada and Jambavan.
Sampati: brother bird of Jatayu who was in defense of Sita during her abduction by Ravana.
Sampati is a mighty and wise vulture who hears the army of monkeys traveling in search of Jatayu to hear about Sita. Sampati informs them that she was taken by Ravana and they are headed in the right direction to Lanka.
Hanuman’s Leap
Hanuman’s birth story is revealed, which encourages him to jump in order to find out if Sita is really in Lanka.
Hanuman in Lanka
Hanuman searches for Sita in Lanka but he is unsuccessful even after he finds Ravana’s palace.
The Ashoka Grove
Hanuman finds Sita trapped by Ashoka trees and an army of rakshasis.
Sita and Ravana
Hanuman peers over the Ashoka trees and overhears Ravana trying to steal Sita’s heart away from Rama with his wealth and powers. He witnesses Sita refuse his offerings fiercely.
Hanuman and Sita
Hanuman approaches Sita in secret. When this happens, Sita is afraid and hesitant to consider Hanuman as a friendly face. But Hanuman reveals Rama’s ring and Sita is overjoyed that he is there for her rescue from Ravana.
Hanuman Captured
Ravana captures Hanuman.
Hanuman and Ravana
Hanuman reveals his true identity before Ravana’s court that he is a monkey who came to rescue Sita. Ravana sets Hanuman’s tail on fire.
The Burning of Lanka
Sita prayed to the Fire that it be cool to Hanuman. The Fire listened to her prayer and his tail was left icy-cold. In response, he sprang up into the sky and burned the entire city of Lanka to the ground. But then he realizes Sita might burn in the fire so he rushes back to the Ashoka grave, only to find her there. He assures her that she will be rescued.
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