Reading Notes: Mahabharata, Part C

Episode 10 - Pandu's Curse Dhrithrashtha and Pandu get married. Kunti has secret son from Surya. Three of them enjoyed the forest and each other's company. Pandu hunted in the woods. He made a mistake. Shot an arrow at hermit couple making love. Killed him in a moment of passion. Whenever he becomes intimate with a woman, he would die. They made a decision. Pandu would not be returning. Kunti and Madri stayed back too. Dhritarashtra thought throne was his for good. Kunti spoke the mantra and gave rise to Hastinapur's future kings. Episode 11 - Sons of Pandu Pandu kills kermit and gets cursed. Kunti called Yama, God of Truth and Death, gave her son to be embodiment of patience, Yudhisthir. He became mental block of the brothers to be relied on in times of turmoil. Wind god gave Kunti son who was as strong as the wind, named Bheem, known as hero later on. Mantra was called upon to Indra, which gave her a son to become a great warrior. Kunti summoned twins for Madr...